Enjoying Your Thanksgiving Feast with Braces

by | Nov 20, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Hutta & Cook Orthodontics! We hope you are excited to dig into a holiday feast with your family and friends. But if you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, you may be worried about finding braces-friendly options on your Thanksgiving Day plate. Luckily, with a little planning, you can enjoy the holiday and eat plenty of delicious foods. Dr. Hutta and Dr. Cook have put together a list of some braces-friendly holiday classics for you to enjoy!

  • Turkey or ham: You can safely enjoy the main event of your Thanksgiving Day feast. Just remember, don’t bite into meat on the bone. Instead, cut it off and enjoy it in small, bite-sized pieces. Your braces will thank you.
  • Mashed potatoes and gravy: This rich, indulgent side dish is soft and braces-friendly—plus, it’s a Thanksgiving staple!
  • Stuffing: Stuffing is a holiday classic, and luckily for you, it’s safe for braces! Just make sure that whatever recipe you’re using is nut free. If there are nuts, skip the stuffing—biting into a walnut or almond can damage your wires and brackets.
  • Sweet potato casserole: Smothered in brown sugar or marshmallows, this dish is a great option for braces. However, many recipes call for a crunchy pecan topping, so skip any casseroles with nuts.
  • Mac and cheese: This creamy, filling, and delicious side dish is the perfect option for someone who has braces on Thanksgiving.
  • Pie filling: Dessert is an important part of any Thanksgiving Day feast! So, if your dinner table has pie, go ahead and indulge in this holiday sweet. Although you’re better off avoiding the crispy crusts or nutty toppings, you can still enjoy the sweet fillings in pumpkin, chocolate, or apple pie.

With this list in mind, we hope you’ll be able to enjoy a delicious and braces-friendly Thanksgiving Day meal. Like any meal, remember to brush and floss after eating. It’s especially important on Thanksgiving since you’ll likely be enjoying sweet, starchy, and potentially smile-staining foods.

From all of us at Hutta & Cook Orthodontics, we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving! If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, please call our offices today.